Avatar really has an unfortunate habit of fading into the background. She’s such an observer by nature that, if there’s even a slightly scene-stealing character on the page, she just kind of hangs back and watches as things happen around her… or allows herself to be carried around, as the case might occasionally be. So this was a nice chance to actually give Avatar a moment in the spotlight again, AND to continue that idea of her having all the answers but not really knowing how to play.

So, despite the whole middle section of this page being another block of text and black and white doodles, this page was WEIRDLY hard to draw… and not just because no one should ever have to take the idea “gas that looks like giant bees” and turn it into something visual. No, the problem was the character art. I had to spend HOURS of extra time cleaning up sloppy mistake in the character art, even though there’s really not anything complicated enough to give me trouble. I bring this up because today’s Voting Incentive turned out GREAT. In fact, it’s the latest in a series of updates where I’m actually more please with the Incentive than the comic. I’m not sure if that means anything, it’s just weird is all. But yeah, I think the Voting Incentive turned out REALLY well today, so check it out!

(Historical Notes: I’m just gonna go ahead and copy/past this entire comment, because it’s too much for me to adequately summarize: “Fizzbiama is actually contains a cross-dimensional link to another plain of reality (possibly even our own). This link isn’t strong, but it is connected to a form of life. Specifically, Bee Life. Due to this inter-dimensional link, the gas replicates the form of the life it’s linked to (aka, Bees). Additionally, due to dimensional differences, despite the gas replicating the linked lifeforms (bees) at a 1 to 1 ratio, the life-form-replicating gas seems to appear as Giant Bees to the local residents due to the dimension they’re linking to having everything be bigger. In other words, to the residents of both Dimensions, their bees are, proportionally, the same size relative to their residents, but the the linked dimension’s bees would be considered GIGANTIC if they ever entered the Far Out There Universe.”)