Well, I expertly time management-ed myself into another half-finished page again. If you’re reading this sometime before Tuesday night and you’re wondering what’s up with the lack various layers of screentone for effect or a giant, multicolored gradient blob in the back to add some energy to a page where the most action-packed moment is someone yawning, just check later and all will be as it should.

Actually, that’s extra important in this case. Along with the obvious color and polishing of the line art, there’s some not-exactly-important-but-still-noteworthy comedy missing from this version. Those of you looking at the rough draft up there will notice a bland, featureless white wall behind everyone. That’s SUPPOSED to be the trademark Endless Row Of Vending Machines, each with a wacky, possibly gross sounding Future Food advertised on the front. The plan was to add the art and text separately so I’d have more room to work with than if I’d tried to draw it along with the characters… which will add even more time to the page’s completion than all the other bits of coloring and editing. Since you don’t NEED to have the background gags to enjoy the character interaction, I figured I’d just got ahead and post this draft as is. Still, be sure to keep checking back to see the final version, because there IS more missing here than just some color.

And don’t forget about new Voting Incentives!!!