I swear, I’m just going to stop taking medicine for things, period. This page was supposed to be a shoe-in for getting done on time. I mean, I was already written, this was supposed to be the punchline to last Friday’s page. And how hard could it be to draw? They barely even move! Buuuuut then I came down with a gross chest cold Sunday night and took some cough medicine… which messed me up twice as bad as the actual coughing ever did. Cue a full day of just staring at the computer unable to actually accomplish anything… which admittedly isn’t THAT different from how I spend most of my days anyway. But even then I wouldn’t have had to crap out a half-finished version of a page like THIS.

So yeah, if you’re reading this in the morning, that’s obviously a half-finished page up there. I should have the final draft up by this evening, but in all honesty, it won’t look at THAT different. Just some color, some cleaned up lines, and a lot of unnecessary gradients to hide the fact that there’s really no reason do draw an actual background for a page like this. Still, feel free to check back again several times over the next day or so. I could use the traffic!

Oh, and speaking of sickness, don’t forget today’s Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Sick Past Me didn’t mention it, but even at the time I wasn’t thrilled by the layout of this page, but was too out of it to really fix things.  What I SHOULD have done was crop off the bottom third of each frame and zoom in on the girls more, so that there’d be less dead space on the rest of the page.  I THINK my thought process was that I wanted to emphasize the height difference between the two, and show that Tabitha is still disregarding Trigger’s hugging instructions, but it just doesn’t work as intended.)