Oh look! Another Far Out There page that went up late! This is the part where we feign surprise!

Actually, this was another instance where I had to split a planned single page in half because it simply wasn’t working as a whole. Tabitha was supposed to hug Layla, and then something funny would happen that’ll apparently have to wait until Tuesday. Aside from the fact that the page was just too long and had too much stuff crammed into it, I kinda felt like this hug needed some room to breathe. After everything she’s put up with lately (heck, in general) I suppose Layla deserves a few more quiet moments of being comforted. Right?

Oh, and don’t forget the new Voting Incentive! Hey, at least I’ve managed to be pretty good about getting THOSE done on time!

(Historical Notes: I don’t think Past Me realized that “hug” and “room to breathe” don’t really go together.)