…and there you have it.

This was another page that’s late because I was CONSTANTLY fiddling with the dialog, since… well, just LOOK at it. Layla’s angry about four or five separate things at this point, and I had to make sure this rage-induced word vomit managed to believably encompass all of them, yet still be at least SOMEWHAT believable as something a normal person would actually say. There’s something pretty ironic about me having to burn the midnight oil to carefully perfect the exact wording of a speech that’s coming from a character too angry to realize what she’s saying.

Speaking of which, part of me feels kinda bad to have introduced a seemingly important storyline for Trigger, only for it to now be revealed as setup for another bit of Layla plot. Lord knows the poor boy plays second fiddle to her enough as it is. And yet, this was the only way I could think of to get Layla to where she needed to be. Under normal circumstances, Layla would NEVER put herself in a position of vulnerability like this. She’d just scowl, say something snarky to show how tough and unshakable she is, and then go brood in private. Heck, that IS what she did before Trigger got thrown into the mix. But that was the key, the one berserk button big enough to make even Layla drop her defenses, even if inadvertently.

…and on a MUCH lighter note, the past few Voting Incentives have been Nintendo related, so here’s a Sega-based one for today… though I’ll be kind of surprised if anyone actually gets it. Oh, and speaking of which, did you see that there’s a big ol’ batch of Voting Incentives added to the Gallery?

(Historical Notes: Another one where the most important drawing is one I was least pleased with.  In this case, it also didn’t help that the speech bubble was in juuuust the wrong place to throw off the proportions on Layla’s head.  I mean, more off than Far Out There characters’ proportions already are.)