Man, this particular update has been the continuing story of me making things bigger and biiigger and biiiiiiiiiigger than I every planned for them to be. For one thing this page was only SUPPOSED to be the first half of what’s now Tuesday’s page, but this conversation just kept getting longer and longer until I had to give it a page to itself. So there’s that, but for a sec there, I actually thought this page was gonna be done before midnight. I mean, the art’s simple, and it was totally finished and everything, I just had to do the lettering. Buuuut see, I’d just moved a bunch of Patreon Comics over to the public gallery the other day, and was struck by how one page was too overwhelmed by technobabbel exposition to be, ya know, entertaining. So at the last minute, I looked over the dialog for this page and, yeah, it also needed a kick in the pants to actually be funny. That bit where Cap’n Crosby plants a whole lot of really wacky images in your head? None of that was in the original, all a last minute change. So if the speech bubbles look a little oddly sized today, that’s ‘cos they weren’t drawn for the text they now contain.

AND THEN THE VOTING INCENTIVE. So, I still managed to get the comic done ALMOST early, but I still had to doodle up a little Voting Incentive… which turned into a kinda big Voting Incentive… which turned into a multi-drawing, editing several layers together Voting Incentive that had eaten up several hours before I knew what was happening. Here I had a completely done page just sitting on my computer where no one else can see it because I’m all wrapped up in this Voting Incentive. Well, common sense finally prevailed and I’m going ahead and posting the comic now before I forget again. The finished Incentive will be up in a few hours… unless I pass out partway through coloring it, which is all the more reason why I needed to get the comic up NOW.

EDIT: Okay, there it is!

EDIT EDIT: Wow, I swear I had no idea I was doing this particular Incentive on El Santo’s birthday.

ONE MORE EDIT: So, not only did I add another set of Incentives to the new gallery, but I finally got around to adding a permanent link to it on the “Other Goodies” page. Don’t worry, I did still leave links to the old pages too, if you wanna browse the older incentives that way.

(Historical Notes: I just keep on peppering fakey scifi names into these comics in hopes that, one day, I’ll remember to use some of them again and then it’ll look like I planed it out in advance.  That’s how writing works, kiddies!  Oh, and I totally Special Edition’d another “Bleak Landscapes” billboard into this page, for the amusement of no one but myself.)