Page 801 – Well that puts a few things in a different perspective
So, I feel like I haven’t truly been able to participate in all the conversations these past few updates, what with all the MAGFest prep and all. Seeing as how that’s only gonna get worse over the next few updates, I’ll go ahead and try to respond to some questions before they get asked:
1. No, Ichabod isn’t lying or messing with Layla’s head. He actually for real does have a girlfriend.
2. No, it’s not a character we’ve seen already. Adjust your fanfics accordingly.
3. I have no idea when this character will actually be appearing in the comic, mostly because it takes me for-flipping-EVER to actually finish one plot arc and move on to the next. (Which might be for the best cos, to be honest, I’m having a little trouble finalizing this character’s design. Have fun pondering what THAT means)
So, funny thing, for once I actually got this page finished… not before midnight, but close to it. I was quite pleased… and then the new Voting Incentive took hours and hours to get right. Figures, huh?
Oh, speaking of which, remember how I was talking about starting a new gallery page for the incentives? Well, I finally did it… for Conventional Wisdom, not Far Out There. See, I don’t do TWC voting incentives for that comic, just extra Patreon stuff, so setting up a new Patreon gallery took waaaaaaay less time than the new Voting Incentive/Patreon Gallery will take over here. I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at that and give me any feedback you have, especially regarding the whole “grouping pages into chapters” thing. I’ve never actually used that feature before, but I think it’ll be useful for keeping the various sets organized, especially since I’ll be putting Patreon comics on that same page.
And speaking of THAT, I promise the next Far Out There Madlib comic IS coming. I’d hoped to have it done before MAGFest, but it’s turning out to be a lot longer than the other comics, so that’s probably not gonna happen. DRAT.
(Historical Notes: It’s funny to see that blurb about Patreon and the Madlibs when I only just now as I write this FINALLY started on a new Madlib comic again. Past Me had NO idea how good he was doing back in the day. Also, I’ve really been shortchanging the old comment section by not trying to summarize all the theorizing that was going on in these pages. Even before the massive can of worms that is Ichabod’s girlfriend was opened, there was already some rampant speculation over whether or not Layla’s Dad is really dead and whether or not Stilez is physically capable of getting drunk. Fun stuff.)
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