So, I was kind of torn on whether or not to keep calling out page number milestones like this. After all, after seven of them, one could argue they’re not all that special anymore. But on the other hand, I didn’t really have anything ELSE for TAX to be doing at the moment, and Tax & Avatar both could use some more stuff to do. And more importantly, I knew I could draw this page really fast, AND I could bump the already half-finished next page back to Tuesday, thus putting me ahead of schedule! And how often does THAT happen around here?

But yeah, not only is this page actually online BEFORE NOON, but I even got the new Voting Incentive done on time! Go me!

(Historical Notes: I eventually would make the decision to stop doing milestone pages once we made it past 1000… though now that I’ve thought about it some more, I actually want to bring the tradition back, just in a more subtle form.  Like, doing a seemingly normal page but slipping the page number in on a computer screen or a billboard or something, just as an easter egg that only people paying attention will catch.  Because Lord knows this comic doesn’t have enough of THOSE already.)