Ichabod has every reason to believe he can think of something, seeing as how this is EXACTLY THE SAME THING HE PULLED TO PACIFY STILEZ AFTER THE WHOLE MEAT UNDERWEAR INCIDENT.

…okay, I was about to do some self-mockery for using the same plot device again, but Ichabod has inspired me to try and make up an in-universe explanation on the fly: Assuming that Stilez was created to be a super soldier, it could be that she’s got some subliminal combat programing underneath all those layers of crazy. I mean, it’d explain how she can use all of the weapons without any training, right? Anyway, this “battle mode” obviously takes over when she’s trying to protect Tax, and it just might include instructions to prioritize enemy commanders over the grunts. Thus, Ichabod could have figured out that he could could feed Stilez some line about “the REAL enemy” and distract her from whoever she’d previously been fixated on. Since we’ve seen that Stilez has roughly the memory of a goldfish, she’d eventually forget about her wild goose chase, AND he’d be able to keep using the same trick on her without worrying that she’d eventually catch on!

Meh, I guess it’ll do until I think of something better.

Anyway, I’m pleased to announce that regular Voting Incentives are now back! And I even got around to coloring this one! YAY!

(Historical Notes: …and with all that comedic cliffhanger-ing, one of the comments managed to pretty much nail Ichabod’s eventual answer in one fell swoop.  Past Me usually tried to play it coy when that sort of thing happened, but this time I was just “Yep, that’s it.  Try to act surprised when it happens, kay?”)