I haven’t looked back to check, but I’m pretty sure this is the first audibly broken bones in this comic’s history. Somewhere, the comic’s age rating just got bumped up a notch.

I feel a little stupid over how long this page took to finish, but the writing gave me a lot more trouble than it really should have. This was another one of those pages where there was a lot of bits of story chores that needed to get done before the more interesting stuff could happen (Gotta break the big gun so it can’t be used any more, gotta clearly establish that Stilez already smashed all those other guns they had earlier, and so on) It’s hard enough to try and be funny on a consistent basis, let alone when I’ve got a list of micro-plot points to cram in… Or maybe my brain’s just burned out from trying to get stuff finished for the Artist Alley table at Animazement later this month. There’s also that.

Well, I’m kinda about to fall asleep as I write this, so I’ll just slap the new Voting Incentive link here and go pass out.

(Historical Notes: A BIZARRE conversation emerged in the comments over what a My Little Pony version of Gright would look like.  You needed to know that.)