Original note – Aug 8, 2008
I hate perspective, guys. I really do. That last panel was SO hard to get right, and I still think it turned out a bit wonky.

Speaking of wonky, you gotta love that the first thing Stilez does after Ichabod’s build up is give him a noogie. Then again, she does also give the uber-gun there a workout.

Oh, and hi from Otakon! And welcome to whatever poor fools might have just heard about Far Out There!

Oh, just in case, I have to warn everyone that I did NOT get around to starting Tuesday’s page before leaving for this madness, so there’s a chance that I might miss the next update. It’s a small chance, depending mostly on how much of Monday I sleep through, but I figured I’d go ahead and be honest about my slacking off. *hangs head in shame*

(Historical Note: I miss the days where the possibility of a single late update seemed like the end of the world.  Or, more accurately, I miss the days were that was such a rare thing to think about that it COULD feel like the end of the world.  In order to know better now, I have to have done it.  A LOT.)