Oh right! Skye’s a character who was in this storyline! Remember her? It’s kinda sad that I’m having to pull a “hey, remember this character?” moment in a story that actually started out being ABOUT her.

But yeah, in cause anyone was wondering what happened to Skye after Trigger did his little Tarzan dive into the fray, here ya go. She’s too sensible to just leap blinding from a REALLY dangerous height, so she’s been taking the long way around. (And let’s not forget, she’s also trying to avoid those cops that both she and Astrid still seem to think are outside… SOMEWHERE)

Also, the thought occurs that smoking debris raining down from above is probably like a snow day for Stilez.

And last but not least, new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Oy vey, the poses in this one.  This is another one of those pages I TRIED to clean up, but there’s a lot that can’t truly be solved by anything less than a full-on re-draw.  I especially don’t know why Skye’s hands seem to be on loan from Salad Fingers in the first panel.  Well, at least the multiple layers of blur in the last panel pull off the sense of height quite nicely.  Past Me gets at least a C+ for that part.)