More moving pieces around so that everything’s in place for the end game. Also, Ichabod having moments of near medium awareness amuses me to no end. It’s not exactly breaking the fourth wall or anything, but he’s still aware of the tropes at play in his own life… heck, that’s I’M like most of the time.

And for the record, I actually MEANT to leave Disonar’s hair out this time… sort of. I did forget for a bit, but caught it early enough that I COULD easily have gone back and added the rainbow colors in without much problem. But then I thought the big, dramatic flash of red would work better if it was the only color on the whole page, and creative decisions that involve skipping a step are always good creative decisions! (Granted, I could also have pasted the rainbow image in like usual and just converted it grayscale… DANG IT!)

Also, New Voting Incentive, which is one of the more impressive ones in a while, artistically speaking. Too bad that, in Incentive land, a high level of artistic detail usually means an equally high level of fanservice…

(Historical Notes: Apparently, Past Me forgot how to draw Ichabod’s hat for a few weeks in early 2015, because I’ve had to go back and re-shape that glob of cloth a LOT over this batch of pages.  I mean, it’s true that Ichabod didn’t appear much for a while leading up to this, but the dude is STILL supposed to be one of the main characters, dang it!)