Remember when I complained about Astrid’s gun and said that I oughta go back to copying guns form other Sci-Fi sources and calling it “homage”? Well, here we go! Every single one of those guns is from some other, better known work. Let’s see how many of ’em you guys can identify! …or more accurately, let’s see if anybody can see through my sloppy art and tell what the heck I was trying to do. And speaking of revisiting earlier ideas, the new Voting Incentive is a more elaborate take on one from a few weeks ago (and also a return to form after Tuesday’s shirtless boy fest)

(Historical Notes: The old comments got ALMOST all of the guns right.  Left to right, they’re the Sentry Robots’ guns from The Black Hole, the Stormtrooper gun from Star Wars, the Klingon disruptor pistol from Star Trek, Han Solo’s blaster from Star Wars, a Cardassian disruptor riffle, a stun gun from Space: 1999, and a Colonial blaster from classic Battlestar Galactica.  The only one nobody got was the Cardassian riffle, and even then they still could tell it was SOME kind of Star Trek thing.)