Original note – July 25, 2008
What? MORE new characters? Hey, I told you there’d be a bunch in this story.

Also, you know what I don’t really like in a webcomic? When they’re written the way you’d write a graphic novel, where important stuff is stretched out across multiple pages. That’s fine if all the pages are right there and you can just flip ahead and see the climax right away. In a webcomic, where the cliffhanger has to dangle for DAYS before the payoff actually comes, I’ve never thought that kind of writing is a good idea… so of course, that’s exactly what I’m doing here. D’OH!!!

(Historical Note: Really, past me?  You’re kicking yourself over THAT, and not the terrible, TERRIBLE intro to this page?  That clunky, immersion-shattering attempt to break the fourth wall is downright EMBARRASSING to look at now.  It’s even worse then the Looming Object earlier.  In fact, that scene actually shows how this SHOULD have been done.  We’ve already set the precedent for cutting away to action on The Exposition, why not cut away from Ichabod mid-conversation to Blip doing something random and funny, hold on it long enough to establish the passage of time, then cut back to the station with everything in chaos?  It’d be less distracting AND more entertaining! Get it together, Past me!)