I feel the need to apologize a bit for this page (what else is new?) I decided to try for a Pop Art kind of thing with big, bold blobs of color and minimalist lines inside said blob… a purely creative artistic decision that was IN NO WAY DRIVEN BY THE FACT THAT IT CUT DOWN ON THE DRAWING TIME BY HALF WHATEVER GAVE YOU THAT IDEA. Anyway, I works pretty well in the fist panel, but devoting most of the page to it is overkill, especially since the art gets worse and worse with each subsequent panel. Sorry gang, I was scrambling to get stuff done before NC Comic Con and didn’t properly think this one through. I DO like the more subtle lighting in the second panel, though…

Anyway, as I was speculating earlier this week, I’m wrapping up the whole “unused story arc” series of Voting Incentives and going back to silly, adorable doodles for the next few weeks. Hopefully, I’ll have the next ongoing Incentive story ready to start up in December. In the meantime, here: have a totally adorable doodle!

(Historical Notes: Dude, I’m just gonna tell you all right now that I got SO sick of the color purple SOOOOO fast.  Also, I’m pretty sure that trying to individually color in all those lines took longer than just coloring the characters in like normal would have.)