Dang it. I don’t know what I did wrong, but SOMETHING got messed up when I was scanning the art for this comic, and it took a loooot longer than usual to clean everything up enough to work with. It’s extra annoying because, for once, I was actually AHEAD of schedule drawing this thing. So much for getting done early… and seeing as how I’ve got NC Comic Con this weekend to get ready for, I REALLY needed that extra breathing room…

Speaking of getting ready, I’ll go ahead and let you guys know that I;m not sure what Voting Incentives are gonna look like over the next few weeks. I’ve about run through all the Unused Plot Ideas I had saved up, and originally I planned to follow that with another ongoing incentive story, like Killer Station of Deadly Doom. I especially wanted to have it started before the Christmas updates began, so there’d be SOMETHING set in the “real world” to balance out all the noncanonical silliness. Unfortunately, I also expected to have a LOT more of those Christmas pages done by now, so I may not have time to launch a second storyline while getting them all finished. I dunno, we’ll see.

And speaking of which, New Voting Incentive, which would have been a good one to have on Halloween!

(Historical Notes: …Past Me is referring to the fact that this was where the infamous La Faulx was first mentioned, probably the only one of those Aborted Arcs that anybody actually remembers.  Also, I’m pretty sure the robot saying “YAE” is a typo, but I’m leaving that one in because it kind of sort of looks like I’m trying to invent some new future accent.  That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.)