Original note – July 17, 2008
Now this is interesting. My computer was being worked on all Wednesday and Thursday, so I was bracing myself to be working on this page well into the wee hours of Friday morning. Surprise, this actually ended up being the first page in over a MONTH that I finished before midnight.

As for the page itself… not quite a WALL of text, there, but definitely a giant rolling boulder of text. At least THIS time it’s important, sort of.

So, yeah. That’s Frank. Get used to seeing new characters, because there’s gonna be a whole army of ’em once this story really high gear. Speaking of which, I added Frank to the “and the rest” page in the profiles. Check it out if you wanna see what he looks like in living color (since I’m too lazy to actually do the whole COMIC in color)

(Historical Note: Again, it’s weird and disorienting to see these decade-old notes about stuff I’m still having to do all over again.  On a less repetitive note, I still really like the Hoch’ren Honnee.  I don’t ever wanna find out too much about them, but they’re lots of fun in small doses.  I AM kind of sad that Frank’s bodyguards don’t show up more.  Once the other numbered characters started showing up, the guards started to get tough to squeeze in)