So… I’m sure at SOME point Layla has complained that Ichabod didn’t put her and Trigger in nicer rooms with their communication centers… but when I went to add a link to the page, I realized I couldn’t remember which one it was. I guess if even the AUTHOR can’t remember when something was last said, that means it’s time to restate it.

Also, while I’m always amused by Layla and Ichabod sniping at each other, Ichabod shouldn’t make light of the shower running out of hot water. That’s WORTH pitching a fit over.

On a mostly unrelated note, thanks for the feedback (that is, proofreading) in the new pages. Man, I can’t wait until all the new profiles and FAQ pages are finally ready. We’ll probably be lucky if I even get the file names right. We’ll also be lucky if I get them up before the end of the month, given how quickly things are currently going. Even without conventions to go to, I still end up going out of state for long enough that I’ve gotta get extra pages done. So, we’ll see what gets done when.

OH! And before I forget, New Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: No, I didn’t remember that I’d forgotten what page this had allegedly been mentioned in before, and made no attempt to look it up before right now.  Whoops.  Also, yes.  This little side room off the main hall is supposed to be the same MASSIVE UNDEFINED SPACE we saw in the previous arc.  No, that doesn’t make any sense.)