And there you have it, folks, the real reason for this entire aside at the Hector household: AN IN-UNIVERSE EXCUSE FOR ME TO STOP DRAWING MEGAWEAPON WITH THAT AWFUL SPIKY HAIRDO! You have NO idea how annoying it was to draw that mess! I could never get the same number of spikes, the size (length?) seemed to change with every panel, and the coloring took twice as long as it should have. BUT NOW I DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT ANYMORE! I’m so excited I did this page in color just to celebrate! HUZZAH!!!

Actually, those of you with great memories might recall that Megaweapon was SUPPOSED to have white hair from the start. But I was worried about introducing another white-haired, green-skinned child so soon after Bridget and Alphonse, so I gave the white hair to Kevin and Jenna instead. At the time, I reasoned that Megaweapon inherited hair color from his Dad’s side, same as skin color, but now I prefer to think he dyed it to remove the one feature he shared with his siblings. It just seems like the sort of thing he’d do, ya know?

Oh, and just in case anyone objects that this haircut, easier to draw or not, isn’t as memorable as the old one, don’t worry. This isn’t Megaweapon’s “final” new look. His OFFICIAL new design (which I guess will debut with the new Profile pages) will have longer, more distinctive hair. But it’ll still be white and still won’t be spiky. THANK GOD.

(And, unfortunately, I can say from personal experience that an unwanted haircut is a REALLY effective form of discipline.)

Speaking of things looking different, you probably didn’t notice that the old “News” button we never used has been replaces with an “About” button. Eventually, that’ll lead to all sorts of introductory pages to explain stuff for new readers. For now, though, it just goes to a little stuff of an intro page which links to a plot summary. Still, that’s SOMETHING to help out the poor newbies. Yay for me finally getting stuff done!

And while I’m on a roll, check out the new Voting Incentive for some MORE familiar faces looking kinda different!

(Historical Notes: I can’t believe that this didn’t occur to me on it’s own, but the commentators quite rightly pointed out that getting a haircut FROM A MAD SCIENTIST opens itself up to all sorts of possible ways in which the process of it happening could be more of a punishment than living with the results.  I mean, the details are definitely better left to the reader’s imagination, but I should have had the presence of mind to at least HINT at some freaky mad science barbershop horrors!)