Oh look! Mommy Dearest finally has something to do outside of holiday comics! (I actually had to go back and look to see that her name is Augusta) Also, never ever make that face again, Megaweapon.

So, we’ve finally made it through all those updates I coughed up after Christmas, and… does this page look funny to anyone? I dunno, it kinda felt like I was having to re-learn how to draw Far Out There comics after doing so much Conventional Wisdom. I don’t THINK I totally botched anything, but it still feels weird to be shifting gears back to this comic. Good, but weird, and I worry I’m not doing it right yet.

Speaking of doing things RIGHT, though, WE’VE FINALLY GOT VOTING INCENTIVES AGAIN! Rejoice and be glad! (I even got the Incentive Gallery fully updated, if you wanna go poking around the older stuff again)