Oh Trigger, you are SUCH a little brother…

This was a very fun page to do. I dunno WHY I keep writing stories that isolate Trigger and Layla from each other, EVERYTHING is better when they’re together.

Speaking of whom, it was nice to slip in some little character bits here that I hadn’t had a chance to recently. It’s been a while since Trigger’s love of pranks could manifest itself, so this glimpse of him just playing around was a lot of fun. Also, the stickler for details in me wanted to slip in the idea that Layla works out regularly. It dawned on me that the majority of the times we’d seen Layla on the ship, she was sitting around watching TV and eating junk food… except, as this arc has made abundantly clear, she doesn’t LOOK like somebody who sits around eating junk food. So, now we know how she keeps in shape. Yay!

…although that brings up something else: it must be acknowledged that, for the first time in weeks, we have a chance to see Layla in something other than the skintight catsuit… and I have taken that opportunity to shove her into a pair of Daisy Dukes. For shame, me.

Anyway, news regarding future updates. I’ll be in Baltimore for Otakon on Friday. My the time I go to sleep toni-I mean, tomorrow morning, I’ll have that page finished and ready to update automatically, but there won’t be a Voting Incentive. Tuesday MIGHT have one, but that depends on how much of Tuesday’s main page I can finish before I leave. Remember, I’ll have a big pile of Conventional Wisdoms to finish after I get back. If I have to do those AND a Far Out There, there just won’t be time for an incentive.

Oh, but check it out! The Killer Station of Deadly Doom has hit 150 pages!