page 533 – they’re gonna reuse this animation EVERY episode
See, THIS is why I said I needed to research magical girl shows before doing these comics. This page was fun to draw
Rather than gush about that, though, there’s some business I want to go ahead and get out of the way now. While I HOPE it won’t be necessary, there’s a chance I’ll have to cut back on updates over the next month or two. There’s a convention coming up next month… actually, there’s a LOT of conventions coming up. For whatever weekend, every con on the East Coast seems to be trying to happen on the same four weekends, so I’ll have a lot of trips piled right on top of each other. And quest what I’ll be doing right in the middle of all that? MOVING! Yup, for the third summer in a row, I’m pulling up roots, and no, I’m nowhere NEAR used to it. Obviously, I’m gonna TRY to get enough of a buffer built up to cover all these absences, but this is your advanced warning that I MIGHT not manage to pull it off..
Meh, that stuff’s depressing to talk about. QUICK! Somebody start an amusing conversation about today’s page!
(OH! And there’s a new Voting Incentive too! Go see that!)
(Historical Notes: Man, it feels really weird to already be porting over pages from the end of my time in DC. Or, to be more specific, it feels weird to see it come up when there’s still so many more comics left to re-post. I’m not sure if it feels like I was in DC for longer than it really was, or if it feels like I’ve been back for less time than I have, but this just seems WAY off to me. Anyway, there was a debate about the Card Captor Sakura quote in the alt text that somehow morphed into how eyesight at night works, but I’m more interested in the question of why Bridget has to hold a screen showing Alphonse’s POV up to ANOTHER screen rather than the signal being fed directly into the comm signal. While I’m sure there’s a technobabble explanation to be had, my preferred answer is still that Tabitha intentionally includes impractical physical steps to there projects so that Bridget has something to do. Gotta make sure both the kids get to feel included!)
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