Well, THIS was an easy page to write dialog for! Kinda challenging to draw, though: odd angles, complicated poses, AND lighting tricks. Fun. Still, I think it comes off well… and I’ll be VERY surprised if anyone is able to guess where this is going (Well, okay, in a broad sense it’s probably not that hard. The devil’s in the DETAILS…)

There’s also a new Voting Incentive which I’m slightly less happy about… though not so much for the page itself. If the latest page feels like it’s abruptly abandoning what the past couple were setting up (I’m being vague, on the off chance that somebody hasn’t read the past few weeks and doesn’t want any spoilers), well, that’s kinda what happened. I realized we were getting dangerously close to a lengthy action sequence, and those are pretty labor intensive to do right. With my ever-mounting difficulty at getting things done on time, it seemed wise to bail out of that and skip ahead to an easier part.

(Oh, and just for the record, there’s a pretty substantial real-life change up coming soon, which hopefully will resolve some of these “nothing’s getting done” problems)

(Historical Notes: OOOOOoooh, THAT’S the “real life” I was stressed out about.  I didn’t realize we’d already gotten to that point.  It’s really hard to keep track of where these pages sync up with the actual timeline when I take them in big chunks like this.  Also, this is yet another page where I need to remember to put a link to the Voting Incentive/Patreon Gallery once it’s set up, just so that vagueness up there makes sense.)