Wheee! New costume for Alphonse! I already like this plan (which seems to involve making Alphonse some combination of Tron, Mega Man, and the Bravest Warriors)!

I also really like how this page turned out. That first panel especially turned out well. For some reason, I can’t help thinking it looks like an album cover (I can’t imagine what a band with THAT line-up would sound like)

Unfortunately, there’s some lame news, too. I’m gonna have to do a late update for the Voting Incentive again. Life’s been extra, well, life-ish lately, and I’m kinda really tired (in case my absence from the comments and forum didn’t tip you off) and the fact that it’s about dawn isn’t helping. There WILL be a new Killer Station of Deadly Doom, just not until sometime tomorrow. Keep an eye on the Facebook page or my Twitter for a heads up on when it’s ready.

EDIT: Okay, Incentive is ready!

(Historical Notes: I still can’t get over how much better the art starts to look around this point… although Layla in the second panel kind of annoys me.  I went through a bit of a phase of drawing the “NO” shirt way too big, similar to one of Trigger’s shirts, and the weirdness of that kind of threw off the proportions of Layla’s pose.  In particular, her arm looks waaay too stubby, thanks to a combination of botched foreshortening and the folds in the shirt not matching where her actual joints are.  Eventually I learned to draw this shirt less like an oversized sweater and more as a slightly-baggy sweatshirt.  Also, as I read the old commentary again, I’m at a bit of a loss for what the “real life” I was freaking out over actually was… in the sense that I can remember so MANY crappy things about that period that I can’t narrow it down without some extra clues.)