Well, we’re back to actually doing a second draft of every panel… on a page where the joke revolves around a really crappy drawing. How’s THAT for irony? Fun Fact: I actually drew Trigger’s… artwork with my left hand for maximum suckiness.

Not a lot else to say. Once again, work came out of nowhere and smacked me around all weekend (getting REALLY tired of saying stuff like that) so I’m really tired and kind of running behind on, well, everything. So, you know, the usual.

New Voting Incentive, though, in which reader comments made an unexpected contribution! Go see what I mean!

(Historical Notes: I vividly remember being around ten or eleven and finding some drawings I’d made when I was around four or five.  I was shocked to discover that these things I remembered as being perfectly clear and professional-looking at the time ACTUALLY looked like a jumbled, illegible mess.  Trigger hasn’t made it past Four Year Old Me’s level of artistic technique.)