Page 509 – Stupid consideration of others!
Wow, another LAAAAATE update. So… uh… yeah, I’m very very sleepy right now and have very little to say about… stuff… right now. I dunno. You guys say some stuff and once I’ve managed to get some sleep I’ll reply, and… yeah.
And also vote on TWC for another new page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom, ‘cos… yeah…
OH! One thing I’ve actually got the brainpower to say. Make sure you don’t miss Tuesday’s page! I think you’ll like it! 😀
(Historical Notes: There’s a joke to be made about re-posting a page in which the ship stays secluded to avoid spreading something nasty, but it would turn severely dated VERY quickly. Instead, let me point out that Ichabod’s cowering in the last panel was a last-minute change. Originally he was just supposed to be helping the Cap’n face the right direction, but I kept having to re-draw them so that Ichabod didn’t obscure the guy, and in the end he looked more like he was hiding from Layla… and then I realized that was MUCH funnier anyway.)
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