Page 507 – discovering things that don’t work
*yawn* Man, another late, LATE night, mostly because I just started a lot later than I should have. I really need to get back into a regular drawing things cycle.
So, yeah. This is yet another page where I just inked the rough draft, even though I REALLY wanted to draw each panel separately to get some extra detail into that ever tangling pile of cord/tube/thinggies. Well, at least the Unsound Effects turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself!
One thing that IS back on track: New Voting Incentives right away!
(Historical Notes: Another page where I’m sad the theorizing in the comments isn’t preserved here… or maybe I should be glad, because by this point people were starting to suggest stuff that was objectively more clever than the ACTUAL explanation I had planned.)
I really like this page☻. I think the layout and progression of the page are satisfying, if those are the right words.