Page 506 – blah blah blah
So… yeah… I just spent the last week trying to pound out this MASSIVE Conventional Wisdom update in between work and stuff, and… I’m tired. I’m very tired.
Which brings us to today’s update. First off, this is MANY hours late, and the end result doesn’t justify the amount of time it took. The dramatic lighting really didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to here, especially in the fifth panel (there was supposed to be several shades of green). Also, the layout is rather problematic, both in terms of panels, character blocking, and even the speech bubbles. Blah blah blah whine whine whine whatever.
The really bad part, though? There is no new Voting Incentive. YET. Here’s the deal: the Killer Station of Deadly Doom is hitting a really complicated point of the plot arc (heck, I just up and decided to screw up gravity in the most recent page) and… well, I can barely form words right now. I just didn’t trust myself to do that material justice right now. SO, I’ll do the Incentive once I’ve had some time to actually sleep. Keep an eye on the Facebook group or my Twitter for an announcement sometime tomorrow when it’s finally up.
Just to end this on a happier note, I do kinda like how the interaction between Ichabod and Layla turned out. It’s not exactly “friendly” or anything, but they do seem very used to each other at this point. Casual antagonism is funny. (also, I tried to slip in some references to all that speculation from earlier. Wish I could have done more, though)
EDIT: Okay, THERE! Voting Incentive done!
Hovertext: If it kills Trigger, you’ll know it’s deadly; if it kills Avatar… 😮