So, originally this and Tuesday’s comic were supposed to be one page, but I wanted to make sure this little sequence had plenty of room to breathe. Also, I kept the layout really super simple so that I could focus on Layla’s expressions. Basically, what I’m trying to say here is that I worked really really hard to make this teenage girl sufficiently heartbroken… I’m terrible.

But yeah, here’s a change of pace: an update that’s NOT painfully late! In fact, I’m actually writing this DAYS in advance. At the moment, it’s Monday night and I’m feeling pretty dang good about myself about getting this thing done so early. As you may recall, I was worried that the storm might knock out power around here and keep me from working on the page, but clearly I was needlessly concerned.

In fact, unless something REALLY unexpected happens between my writing this and your reading it, there should be a new Voting Incentive too! REJOICE!

(Historical Notes: Okay, this may have been one of the biggest time vampires of the entire re-posting process yet.  I was NEVER happy with how the line work on this page turned out, thanks to me still getting used to drawing panels separately.  Because the top four panels got scaled down twice as much as the bottom one, said bottom one turned out twice as bold as the thin, faint earlier panels.  That, and a lot of little details were distractedly off due to me making the drawings too big… which is ironic, since the whole point of drawing the panels separately is to be able to get the little details BETTER.  All that to say, I spent an entire day basically redrawing large chunks of this page with a mouse, just to try and improve the lines a bit.  Hopefully, no one will notice anything is different, because the goal was to REMOVE distractions, but it still really threw off whatever timetable I was on for getting this batch of comics up. …also, where did Layla’s window go in the top two panels?)