Slowly getting back into the groove of doing comics on a regular basis here. I’ve got the next few days off work, so if we’re lucky, we might even have Voting Incentives back next time! YAY!

A few gripes about this one: One, I REALLY need to cut back on character designs with big flashes of color. Just one color highlight on an otherwise grayscale page is really eye-catching. When EVERY character is half colored in… well, it just defeats the point. Also, I’ve said this before, but I’ll say again that I HATE DRAWING MEGAWEAPON’S HAIR! I’m especially sensitive to it right now, since I spent most of my few free moments this weekend designing newer, less annoying hair styles for the kid. Buuuuuuut, I can’t go giving away too much about future events, now, can I?

Well, one more, I guess. Trigger seems quite pleased with himself here, but let’s not forget that his track record with anticipating Jenna’s wishes is fairly spotty.

(Historical Notes: It would, of course, take a while for my complaining about Megaweapon’s hair to finally bear fruit, but the seeds were laid early on.)