Avatar is NOT in the mood to sugarcoat anything for you, buster.

…aaaand I don’t really have much to add to this one. It’s just one of those Load Bearing pages that’s mostly there to keep the rest of the plot from toppling over. Don’t worry, they’ll figure out what they CAN do soon enough.

If you wanna see a plot that IS moving, you can vote for Far Out There on TWC and read the latest page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom! You know you wanna!

Also, yet again, I’ll remind you about the Far Out There FAQ being hashed out on the forum. There’s still time to ask something!

(Historical Notes: Oh man, this is another stretch of pages where I really wish I could port over the old SmackJeeves comments.  There were some WILD theories about what was ultimately going to happen to Megaweapon.  Well, not so much “theories” as “vindictive fantasies” but still…)