I’m honestly tempted to not make any comments on this page, ‘cos Momma always told me if I didn’t have anything good to say I shouldn’t say anything at all. Seriously, this page is a MESS. I’d have just tossed this page out and started over from scratch if I honestly believed I’d be able to come up with something less messy in the remaining time. *sigh* employment and cartooning simply refuse to coexist.

Aside from the fact that everything here looks like it was doodled in five minutes (because it was), I’m especially annoyed over the last panel. half-way through drawing, the thought occurred that the gag would be better served by a whole page devoted just to it. Six to eight small panels, most of Trigger wordlessly poking at things, gradually wrapping his mind around the absurd notion that these “Buttons” actually serve no purpose whatsoever. I chickened out, though, because it left THIS page without a punchline and I couldn’t think of anything on such short notice. Maybe if I had more time to fiddle with the page, but noooo…

Ironically, I’m actually quite happy with how the new Voting Incentive comic turned out. So go vote and see something I DON’T want to kill with fire.

(Historical Notes: The thought NOW occurs that this page would also work a lot better as an animated GIF to actually show the lights blinking.  But obviously I was still several years away from getting obsessed with THAT time-waster of a technique.  I hadn’t even SEEN Homestuck yet at this point…)