I’m not gonna lie, that is just an INTIMIDATING child.

Also, check how many sci-fi shout outs I was able to cram into this page! There’s obscure, subtle references to Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, AND Doctor Who in this thing! Heck, Far Out There even managed to reference ITSELF here (check out the call back to page 218!)

And, of course, I have to direct everyone’s attention to the new page of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom, currently waiting for anyone who votes on TWC! If you wanna stay caught up on the story, keep voting! (though I AM going to make an effort to keep the gallery updated more regularly, to facilitate more catching up)

ALSO: The Store just got a MASSIVE revamp and some shiny new stuff, so go check that out!

(Historical Notes: Okay, here comes the second half of that rant about SmackJeeves apparently compressing the image files.  As I said before, the full sized master copies aren’t lost or anything, I just don’t have to have to worry about typos that didn’t get caught until later.  At least, that’s ONE of the problems.  The other, as I began to discover around this point, is that I can’t just open up the old image file and ONLY crop & scale the thing.  It’s not that simple.  If I have the chance, I HAVE to try and clean up some of the little artistic flaws that I let slide the first time around.  What should have been just a minute or two of resizing and exporting this image turned into nearly an hour of fiddling with Megaweapon’s hair and eyebrows, and the only reason I didn’t also try to resize the speech bubbles around the text was because I was already running behind schedule.  I’ll tell you right now, this process is going to take soooooo much longer than it has to if I can’t just rip pages off of SJ anymore, and it’s ENTIRELY because of my neurotic need to tinker.)