Original note – April 4, 2008
There are some things in life you can just take for granted. One of them is, if you get a bunch of Frat-Bots together on a ship, there’ll be a lot of beer crates and broken toilets.

So, I THOUGHT I already had the next several weeks worth of comics written out and ready to go, when it dawned on me that the rest of humanity doesn’t already have a complete mental picture of the inside of The Exposition like I do. Cue frantic, last minute writing of extra pages!

Oh, and eagle-eyed readers will notice that this page looks a little different than it did last week. I went back and added the screen gag I forgot when I Photoshoped the page the first time. Yay for revisionism!

(Historical Note:  That last bit just made me remember something, I have no idea how many of the “master copies” of pages I’m reposting here actually have the last minute edits/fixes/typo corrections I might have done mid-update.  Knowing me, there’s a very real chance I never bothered to back THOSE versions up, just the original.  Um… have fun nitpicking these for a second time?  I guess?)