We’ve been seeing increasingly less of this guy lately, haven’t we? To be honest, I kind of regret this trend. It certainly hasn’t been my intention to demote Ichabod to extra. Alas, it’s been very hard to come up with excuses for Ichabod and the kids to regularly interact with each other these past few plot arcs, and let’s face it: an Ichabod-centric story would have to be REALLY freaking interesting before it’d be worth shifting attention off of Layla and Trigger for a while. Well, we’ll see what the future holds.

(Also, crap! I forgot to put the pattern on Jenna’s dress. Poopie)

In the meantime, as always, NEW VOTING INCENTIVE!!!

(Historical Notes: Years and years later, this is STILL a problem, to the point of me having to invent whole new characters in the frantic hope that they’ll give him more reasons to interact with the rest of the cast.  Oh, and I’m surprised to find Past Me never mentioned that this was the final page to go up on both DrunkDuck and SmackJeeves.  The only thing DD has after page 363 is that “Moving” page, everything starting with 364 was SmackJeeves exclusive… until now.)