How many of you even remembered that we hadn’t seen Avatar in a while? Actually, never mind that. The REAL question here is how Avatar is managing to communicate with Ichabod across the vacuum of space. Let the Wild Mass Guessing begin!

Speaking of characters we haven’t seen in a while, there’s a new voting incentive with another cast member who hasn’t been in play for a while, and in a new costume to boot!

This brings up a frustrating point, though: I’ve been trying to get another incentive series ready, but it’s taking longer than expected, which is a problem seeing as how I’m moving in the near future. I’ll do my best to keep new incentives coming over the next few weeks, but obviously just getting enough REAL pages ready to cover the craziness is going to be a handful. Thus, don’t be surprised if an incentive sticks around an unusually long time during the next few weeks. (don’t let that stop you from voting, though!)

(Historical Notes: There actually was a lot of intelligent theorizing on how this communication is happening back in the old comments… none of which I can port over here, of course.  My poor readers contribute so much, and get nothing but disrespect and disappointment in return…)