There’s been lots and lots and LOTS of standing around and talking lately, which I kind of feel bad about. I promise, there actually is going to be “stuff” happening again in the near future, but for now I’m just having WAY too much fun watching all these characters bouncing off each other.

Speaking of characters, there’s another new drawing of some characters we haven’t seen in a while waiting for anyone who votes on TopWebComics. Also, regarding the whole question about new voting incentives, I’m actually working on another long-running incentive comic, but I don’t want to start putting any pages up until I’ve got most of it finished. In the meantime, we’ll have more random drawings like this one.

And speaking of random drawings, LOOK! I made honorable mention in the Sandra and Woo fanart contest! Go me!

(Historical Notes: There’s a looooot of overlap between Mad Scientists and Internet Cartoonists.  We both have a similarly aggressive obsession with avoiding things that actually matter.)