…I am a horrible, horrible person for even imagining this stuff, and these are the MILDER forms of torment I came up with. You should see the stuff I deemed unfit for the internet (No you shouldn’t, no one should. I am ashamed to have even thought of them myself)

So, I’d promised to unleash some awesome new voting incentive stuff on you all… and I still plan to at some point. Unfortunately, I seem physically incapable of having any breathing room right now. I only just got caught up on material after the whole Katsucon ordeal, and now I’m scrambling to get AHEAD because of a family wedding this weekend. So, as soon as things slow down and I can focus on something beyond barely getting the comics themselves done… oh, who am I kidding, there’ll probably be a freak hurricane after this. The universe itself says I’m not allowed to have any breathing room where this comic is concerned.

OH! On a far less grump note: check out AC-12-666 Sympathy for the Devil, in which a very familiar looking spaceship has just made a fly-by-cameo!

(Historical Notes: Oh man, that comic vanished from the internet YEARS ago.  Like, before even most of the ones I’ve been bemoaning.  For the record, it was just an oddly-proportioned version of the Exposition doing a flyby in an establishing shot, so you didn’t miss much, but it was still cool to see at the time.)