Hey look! Jenna’s back! …and in a completely different outfit! Technically, that’s because Megaweapon ripped the old one, but actually I just thought that outfit was boring. I’m always looking for chances to slip retro-futurist mod fashion into the comic wherever I can!

Anyway, I feel I must apologize to you readers for the briefness of this page. See, these two panels were only supposed to be the first part of a longer page, but I kicked the rest back to Friday. Actually, I do this a lot for pacing’s sake and don’t mention it, but this time I did it out of pure desperation. I barely got anything drawn while I was at Katsucon last weekend, which meant I had to work on a mountain of Conventional Wisdom comics AND get today’s Far Out There finished. Thus, you get an abbreviated, easy to draw comic today and I’m free to work on Conventional Wisdom for the next 48 hours straight. YAY!

Still, I do like how this page turned out. The reveal wouldn’t have been anywhere near as attractive with five more panels crammed under it.

(Historical Notes: I may SAY I found her old outfit “boring” but that’s really code for “really hard to draw and not satisfying enough afterwards.”  Also, I really want to know what’s up with that one Snake Eyes-looking guy in the top panel.  That’s one of the cooler random background characters in this little arc, but I don’t think he ever showed up again.)