Uh, about that… Don’t get your hopes up, fellas. Not unlike that beach incentive picture, Layla will be making it through this stock fan service scenario with her modesty FAR more intact than one normally expects. In fat, the only reason we’re seeing anything at all is because Trigger talking to a closed door would be REALLY boring.

Speaking of which, though, I’m not sure I like the fact that this space ship, built to protect people from the hostile vacuum of space, has bulkheads YOU CAN TALK THROUGH.

OH! And speaking of incentives, I finally updated the gallery! Now you can instantly access everything up to the last voting incentive (obviously, the CURRENT one can only be seen when you vote, so GO DO THAT!)

(Historical Notes: OOOOoooh, I don’t know if I should feel more sorry for Past Me or Layla herself, knowing what I know now of the deceptive allure of doing fanservice “satirically”)