Well THIS is a momentous occasion: the first page of Far Out There to go up on on SmackJeeves first! I wish this meant the move was complete, but there’s still a lot left to do. The site layout here isn’t really right yet, most of the images are still being hosted on DrunkDuck, and I don’t have a new store set up anyplace yet. Still, progress is being made!

But enough about that, LOOK! New comic! Snarky pop cultural criticism! Another brief appearance by Vengeance! Nifty, huh?

Um… I must confess, I don’t really have a lot to say about this one. I’m still trying to get back into the groove of pumping out pages regularly, and just getting this done at all was a bit of a miracle. In fact, I don’t even have a new incentive finished as I write this. Well, I’ll follow the advice of my ever-insightful readers and just tell you to keep voting. SOMETHING new will be up in the near future. MWAHAHAHA!!!!

(Historical Notes: You know, that was one thing in retrospect that was nice about Drunk Duck, you could host pretty much any image file on your free account.  SmackJeeves never let you have anything other than the comic pages and, like, one banner.  Everything else had to be hosted off-site, and those image hosts wound up dropping even faster than webcomic hosts.)