If you’ll recall, that IS pretty much Layla’s reaction when she first saw The Exposition back in the day.

Well, if all has gone well, I should have been on the road for a day or two by the time you read this, so there’s not really much else I can say at this point (I’m writing all the notes for these pages on Monday night) Hello from the past, ye denizens of the future!

(Historical Notes: Hello from the future, primitive wretch of the past!  This is a little detail I keep trying to include in the comic, but it never seems to have a chance to stick since it come up so rarely.  I want The Exposition to seem paradoxically huge and futuristic to us readers, yet tiny and quaint to the cast, which would normally be accomplished by contrasting it against even bigger, MORE futuristic ships… except I keep getting into ruts of characters sitting on a couch talking to each other or running around an enclosed location, so there’s not enough chances to actually SEE these bigger ships.  And heck, half the time there IS a chance, I forget and draw the other ships at roughly the same size, which just makes The Exposition look totally average.  Well, as average as a craft that casually traverses mind-boggling interstellar distances CAN look.)