Somehow, I doubt this will result in a quiet, pleasant couple of days for any of these kids. Ichabod probably doubts this too, but figures it’s fine if they only annoy each other.

Well, it took some frantic scribbling over the weekend, but I successfully got enough pages of Far Out There finished to cover my looming week of barnstorming New England. So, if I don’t respond to anything over the next couple of days, it’s not that I suddenly don’t like you or anything.

One sad bit of news, though: try as I might, I haven’t been able to figure out how to make the voting incentives automatically update. Thus, today’s new voting incentive will have to last us all for two weeks. Well, at least it’s a pretty freakin’ awesome one, if I do say so myself.

(Historical Notes: Oh hey, look!  Todd TV Head made another appearance!  I totally didn’t remember that! …which is totally appropriate for what happened to Todd TV Head.)