You know, I’m a little surprised that no one mentioned how ill-suited Trigger’s new outfit was to this climate. With that loose, flowing stuff, you just know he was feeling every single breeze (never mind how that shirt is clearly about fall right off him) Ya’ll are slacking off on your Nitpicking duties!

Then again, I’m in no position to get on anyone else for slacking off. I’ve already fallen back into the habit of inking my rough drafts with this page, though I guess it still turned out alright. The thing is, there’s no other way this page would have gotten done. It only BARELY got finished as it is. I absolutely busted my hump getting 20 (count ’em, TWENTY!) pages of Conventional Wisdom done this week, and still missed the scheduled update by a day. Oh, and I got THIS thing done with a head full of mucus and my lungs trying to climb up out of my throat. *cough*

OH, but there is some good news! I FINALLY changed the voting incentive! And it’s pretty darn neat, if I do say so myself! Be sure to get a good look at it, because I’m gonna TRY to get that promised Two-Incentives-A-Week thing rolling next week, so it might not be up for long!