(Historical Note: This final batch of pages were first posted on SmackJeeves during another of DrunkDuck’s downtimes, which meant I couldn’t look their for the page titles. Most of them were on Facebook, but somehow this page didn’t get a link there, meaning I had to make up a new title on the spot. Thus, this is the one Far Out There page to have a completely different title on SmackJeeves. And now, as I port everything over, I realize I don’t like how THAT title looks so much like page 304’s, so I’m changing it AGAIN.  Thus, I’m pretty sure this is the only Far Out There comic to have three different titles on three different pages. I guarantee you NEVER would have noticed this if i hadn’t said something about it.)

I kind of threw this page into the mix at the last second, partially because I needed something simple for convention week, but mostly because I really loved the idea of Layla making faces at Dr. Vanderslice. THAT’LL teach that filthy kitty-hater!

But yeah, by the time you read this, I’ll have been at Anime USA since Thursday night, doing my usual con gig. If you’ve just stumbled onto this comic thanks to said con shenanigans… I’m so very sorry. 😀