And you thought it was going to wrap up with them all coute and cuddly and couple-ish, right? No, THIS is what young love REALLY is: awkward misunderstandings, mortifying embarrassment, and general obliviousness by all parties… that didn’t come off as bitter, did it? Really, though, this was an incredibly fun page to draw… even if the situation is a little excruciating to think about (Oh, don’t even act like you never had to endure something that left you looking like Skye)

So… remember what I said about there being two voting incentives this week, since I forgot one last week? Well, I kind of forgot something ELSE: I’m at Anime USA all this weekend. Now, I’m sure there’s a way to set the voting incentives to change automatically, but I don’t know it right now, and frankly I’ve got too much to figure out as it is. So, sadly, there’s only going to be one incentive after all… HOWEVER, to make up for that, this is the first voting incentive I’ve ever posted IN COLOR!!! That’s cool, right?

By the way, I was hoping to have Far Out There completely mirrored on Smack Jeeves by this point, but DANG there’s a lot of pages! There’s just no way I’ll have that site all set up until sometime after AUSA. Oh well…

(Historical Notes: just to put things in perspective, it’s currently taken me two months to port over the same number of pages that, a decade ago, I was disappointed to have not done in a week.  Past Me was NUTS, man.)