Speaking of anti-climaxes, I wasn’t entirely sure how to handle the disappearance of the void. On the one hand, it feels kind of weird for the think that’s been driving the plot for months to just vanish off screen. On the other hand, though, we only actually SAW it for, like, two pages in the first place, so a sudden cut back to the basement would have been pretty disruptive. Also, just between you and me *looks around to make sure no one else can hear* …I have NO idea what that thing would look like collapsing.

Oh, and by the way, let’s be honest here. If YOU saw a bunch of people emerging from some dark, secluded space WHILE PUTTING THEIR CLOTHES BACK ON, you’d have some questions too.

(Historical Note: you think THAT has some unfortunate implications, certain commenters made some… unsettling suggestions about what Dr. Caligari’s book might actually be. Granted, it’s my own fault for drawing a cover involving squiggling tentacles..)