Now THIS is the page I should have lined up for after Otakon. Nothing is more refreshing than drawing Bridget and Alphonse doing something completely unrelated to the plot. It’s a good thing, too, because a SPECTACULARLY ill-timed power outage meant I had to photoshop this page twice -__-;;; Anyway, this could be my new strategy for dealing with the infamous Wall of Text: just wedge the boring yet necessary exposition between some cute foreground action!

Speaking of whom, I realize that a brain/brawn dichotomy isn’t very original, but I really like the idea that Bridget, despite her unnatural strength, is considerably behind Alphonse in the cleverness department. Like, you know, figuring out not to poke at strange, pulsating things in a mad scientist’s secret lair. (And let’s not forget that she’s very easily faked out as well)

Oh, by the way, have you gone to see the big Conventional Wisdom update yet? Cos I think you totally should!

(Historical Notes: See, this is something I was talking about earlier.  I’m obviously making up new twists as I go, just to justify running back and forth to different set pieces.  There’s not a very good dramatic reason to justify not having the next thing to do be right here, and that’s being lampshaded by the characters themselves.  In most circumstances, papering over a stupid turn of events by just having a character say “Wow, that’s stupid” doesn’t actually resolve the problem of there being a stupid twist in the story, but in THIS case, I think Dr. Caligari has been establishes as loopy enough for it to be something he would actually do.  That is, it stops being a lampshaded plot hole and becomes a legit character moment… hopefully.  At least, I think it does.)