Oh man, this was the WRONG page to wrestle with right after Otakon. Between doing all this color, cleaning up the art (which was pounded out in the hotel), and making sure all the technobabble here matched the stuff in previous pages, there was a lot to do. Combine with all the Conventional Wisdom pages that need to get finished by Wednesday and all the lingering exhaustion from the weekend, and it’s a miracle we have a page at all. Not that Otakon wasn’t a BLAST, mind you…

Random writer stuff: part of me hates leaving Trigger and Skye out of all this tech talk, since they’re supposed to be so mechanically inclined too. But since the Caligari’s are supposed to be dealing in brands of science no SANE person would touch, it just felt wrong to have anyone else understand what they’re talking about.

OH! And there’s a new voting incentive, featuring everyone’s favorite characters in a scene that TOTALLY will be on a T-shirt some day 😀

(Historical Note: I don’t think a single Voting Incentive has EVER been made into a t-shirt)